A Uniquely Different Mentoring System To Increase Diversity In Top Occupations – A Nationally Available College Persistence Program

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Our Mission

The Mission of the AnyoneCanAchieve.com website is:

I. Increase Awareness Of:

  1. The small numbers of minorities who finish college once started
  2. The small number of minorities who end up in the best occupations (most requiring college completion)
  3. The 330 great occupations we recommend to the attention of minority students

II. To Provide Information:

  1. About labor market opportunities for college graduates
  2. About opportunities and pay in the 330 great occupations we recommend
  3. About vocational and academic preparation for occupations (through mentors & website)
  4. About short and long-term career planning
  5. About the number of jobs available for the 330 occupations we recommend
  6. About licensing and credentialing related to the 330 recommended occupations
  7. About vast resources available to help students clarify their career path

III. To Encourage:

  1. To encourage more minorities to stay in college and complete their degrees (through mentor & website)
  2. To encourage more minorities to set higher academic expectations
  3. To encourage more minorities to aspire to top college jobs (through mentor & website)
  4. Students to develop a strong rationale for doing the hard preparation connected to top occupations
  5. To develop strong peer and family support systems during their pursuit of high goals

IV. To Support:

  1. Through career goal clarification
  2. Constructive feedback and mentor advice
  3. Constructive model peer coping advice

Let’s consider African Americans. Far too few African Americans graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree and far too few prepare for the top occupations in America. Only 18 percent of African Americans 25 and over have earned a Bachelor’s degree compared with 33 percent of Non-Hispanic Whites and 52 percent of Asian Americans.

African Americans earn college degrees at a rate nearly half that of white Americans and at a rate nearly a third of Asian Americans. Fewer African Americans enroll in college but also of those who do enroll too many drop out without completing college degree work.

African Americans devote a much shorter time to skill preparation. Because of this African Americans are underrepresented in high skilled, high pay occupations.

There are many ways already in progress to try to improve Black educational attainment.

First our approach targets college persistence.

Around 40 percent of African Americans persist to college completion compared to over 72% for Asian Americans. The rate of college completion for Black men is around 35 percent. This clearly is an area where supports and encouragement will play an important role. Our mentors can help encourage persistence.

Secondly, our approach targets better occupational outcomes for minorities. We want to encourage talented minorities’ interest in and preparation for the 330 occupational titles we’ve identified as best college occupations. For example at present only about 6 percent of incumbents in those occupations are African Americans. We certainly would like to see this number doubled over time.

Mentors, please join us to help us improve the underrepresentation of minorities in top jobs in America.

Subscribers, please join us, get information, develop your talents, and gain from the advice, encouragement & support.