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Dr. James Brooks, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist


Highest Degree

Ph.D. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Internship at Indiana University Hospital – Psychiatry Dept.

Earned Degree At

Ph.D. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Licensure / Certification

Indiana Professional Licensing Board – Psychologist

Number of years that you’ve been in your specialty?


Achievement Story

As a small boy I was witness to the mental health struggles of my father and in my late teens and early twenties I was frequently able to visit a large state psychiatric hospital where I was exposed to the mystery and wonder of “mental health patients”. This made a lasting impression on me and likely led to my decision to enter the field of psychology as a profession. It has been wonderfully satisfying.

You practice one of 330 great occupations that require years of preparation. What things most helped you to succeed in training for your profession and in practice of your profession?

I had strong family support during training. My success in my profession was a function of the pleasure and satisfaction I received from my clients over the years from whom I learned so much and who allowed me to be a small part in their struggles and achievement.