A Uniquely Different Mentoring System To Increase Diversity In Top Occupations – A Nationally Available College Persistence Program

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Sign Up To Be A Mentor

Anyonecanachieve.com & Dr. Jack Thomas Invite You!

Anyone Can Achieve Red LogoAt Anyonecanachieve.com it’s so easy to be a mentor to college students. Complete and submit a mentor application online or fill out the PDF application and mail it in.

Upon approval you will receive an e-mail prompt that a question has been asked about your field of expertise.

Follow the link to a list of questions in your field, read the question carefully, answer the question to the best of your ability based on your store of knowledge & experience, and when you are finished press submit my answer.

If your answer is a general answer about your field the answer might be featured on the website for other students. When we feature your answer we’ll include your short bio on the website. If your helpful answer isn’t redundant (to another mentor in your field) it will be sent to the student through our site coordinator. Our coordinator might ask clarifying follow-up questions. We don’t imagine that mentors will be asked to answer more than a couple of questions each  month.

That’s all we ask of you!  It’s so simple and so straightforward!  No phone calls.  No get acquainted meetings. No unwanted student e-mails or phone calls to your work or home.  Our system has one big purpose, which is to get good solid field specific information to students from ultimate mentors and peer mentors.

We know the power of caring & knowledgeable advice & guidance. Such shared knowledge has the power to transform lives! For minorities who have less access to social capital your sage advice is like water on parched earth yielding fruits. Won’t you help us in this important transmission of knowledge?  Your help is warmly appreciated!  Thanks so much!