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Mr. Bwana Clements, MSW

Bwana Clements, MSW , Social Work




Early Career Mentor, Psychiatric Social Work

Owner, Behavior Source

Owner, Urban Ministry

Area of Specialization:

Community Consultation

Urban Advocate

Speaker & Mental Health Counseling

 “I am a therapist, specializing in connecting with challenging youth with an emphasis on young males and the families they belong to.”

Licensure and Certification:


Institutional Affiliation:

Undergraduate Degree: Ball State University Graduate Degree: IU School of Social Work

Number of years you’ve been in your specialty:

Early Career ≤ less than 15 years

Highest Degree Earned:

MSW, Indiana University School of Social Work

You practice one of 330 great occupations that require years of preparation. What things most helped you to succeed in training for your profession and in the practice of your profession? What experiences have you had that helped you in pursuing this profession?

“Most of my experiences from childhood have served as a valuable resource in my adult life and in the counseling profession. The youth I serve are not far off from the path I chose as a young person. It is also a great value to have stayed in the urban community, as oppose to fleeing for the suburbs illusion of safety. This keeps me grounded and allows me to be fully engaged in the tempo of those I serve.” My Story: I grew up in the home of a pastor. We always had the basic necessities, but not much more than that. I wasn’t a very happy child. I always searched for somewhere to belong and searched for the approval of others, despite being told that I was a leader. In and out of trouble, I finally hit a wall when I found out I had fathered a child at the age of 16. My chemistry teacher took a special interest in me and began mentor through my Junior and Senior years. That led me to attend Ball State University where I was able to see the power of education firsthand and its transforming power. The rest is history.