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Mr. David Martin – Web Designer

David Martin

Highest Degree

Associates Applied Science

Earned Degree At

Ivy Tech Bloomington

Licensure / Certification

Web Management

Any Internship or specialized training?

I completed an internship in high school at BlueMarble, Bloomington’s first internet service provider. I also took part in a job shadowing opportunity with Digital Media in Bloomington, an IT company. This gave me an inside look at two local companies that were started by entrepreneurs. It was a great experience and it taught me a lot about what it takes to succeed on your own.

Number of years that you’ve been in your specialty?

I am full career = 15 years +

What I Really Enjoy About My Field

Autonomy – Always getting to choose what I think is the most important thing to focus on.

Mastery – Constantly being challenged to learn as the tech field constantly keeps evolving.

Purpose – What I do makes a difference in the lives of small business owners and people like myself that are trying to make a living on their own.

My Achievement Story in Brief

I had some great coaches including baseball coaches, swim coaches, business coaches, and other important role models that showed me how to conduct myself in life and in business. Growing up in Bloomington, Indiana since 4th grade was a blessing. Our college town offers so many opportunities for world-class training and for individual personal growth. There are a lot of opportunities to get simple jobs here and also lots to offer for everyone. I worked mostly in restaurants and customer service jobs while building up my web hosting and web design business. In November 2018, I decided to work full-time for myself and it’s been a great decision. Every day, I look forward to meeting with my clients and helping with their web, IT, tech, and marketing needs.

The Biggest Challenge(s) Students Face

One of the biggest challenges that students face is consistency. Knowing that every day builds upon the last and that we must constantly keep the ball moving forward is one of the most important things I can say that would have helped me early on in my career.