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The Dr. Thomas Future Professions Pledge

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I, ________________________ pledge to pursue my career goal with clarity of mind with a joyous and tranquil spirit. I promise to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of disappointment along the way because I know the most accomplished people have overcome failure to achieve remarkable things. I promise to be realistic and focused on the prize that is within my reach. I promise not to be distracted by petty annoyances or the doubts detractors might have about my unseen ability. I feel confident that with work, lots of effort and planning, knowledge and ability can grow. I promise to forego some of life’s immediate pleasures in order to do what is necessary to achieve my dream. I promise to maintain strong and happy connections with my close friends and family. I promise to keep them informed weekly about my progress and challenges as I head down the road of achievement. I promise to be honest with them about how I am coping with the challenges as they occur.  I know they have my back!  I promise to seek their counsel and loving guidance, particularly when things get rough. I promise also to share and celebrate my successes along the way with my supportive others – family, friends and mentors. I promise to take care of my physical, mental and spiritual self as I pursue high goals of my choosing.  I promise to exercise my mind and body. I promise to eat and sleep right to fuel my “engine” for the difficult tasks which lie ahead. Although upon reflection, I might end up modifying my career goals (tweaking my goals to my satisfaction), even so, I promise to keep high and realistic aspirations borne of feedback and council from loved ones and mentors.  Lastly but not least, on every occasion I will seek spiritual sustenance by calling on my “higher power” to direct me, ease my path to career accomplishment and strengthen my motivation to achieve a meaningful – purpose driven life!

Your signature & Date _______________________________________________________

Your address ______________________________________________________________

Your email ________________________________________________________________

Keep the original copy of your pledge and refer to it from time to time.  Mail a copy of your pledge to us.  Make sure you give us your mailing address and email address.  

Mail to:
Anyonecanachieve, c/o Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP
P.O Box 8772
Bloomington, Indiana 47401-8772