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Mrs. Joyce P. Thomas, M.Ed, Business

Ms. Joyce P. ThomasOccupation, Area of Specialty, and Institutional Affiliation

Vocational Secondary Business Education Teacher (Retired)

Jefferson County Public Schools–Louisville, KY


BS–Business Education/Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY

M.Ed.–University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

Rank I Certification (20 Credit Hours above Masters Degree)

High School Principal Certification–Lyman T. Johnson Minority Teacher Program

Highest Degree Earned

Masters in Education–University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

You practice one of 330 great occupations that require years of preparation. What things most helped you to succeed in training for your profession and in practice of your profession?

My belief that all young people must learn a vocation and I had the desire and knowledge to teach them, so the young people could be a productive citizen. Not only did I teach vocational business to high school students, but I taught adult education.