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The Race For Prosperity Continues In America/The World – Much Depends On Who Has Credentials!

by, Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP

I am working on an article for publication that will detail the overall progress and the relative progress African Americans have made in both higher educational attainment and professional specialty participation in the U.S. job market.

Unfortunately, the news is not all good!

In these areas African Americans are still running far behind White Non-Hispanic   Americans.  In 1960, for example Whites were almost twice as likely as African Americans to possess a Bachelor’s degree or more and unfortunately in 2011 (the most recent NCES data available) Whites are still nearly twice as likely as African Americans to possess a Bachelor’s degree or more.

This is a significant problem particularly in the new millennium where knowledge and technical know-how is king.  It has been true for some time but certainly within the last 50 years higher education has been the surest path to financial success and the American Dream!

Joining the ranks of the professional class is the gateway to numerous opportunities for a better life!

African Americans are running but not fast enough to catch-up!

Asian Americans are sprinting far past White Non-Hispanic Americans.

Hispanic Americans are moving forward with steady gains in higher education!

All Americans will have to do more in higher education!  As the President noted recently the U.S. not long ago led the world in percentage of citizens ( age 25 and over ) with Bachelor’s degrees.  We now trail 14 other countries and this isn’t good in a very competitive world!

Coming soon!

More data – Some solutions to this vexing problem!